In this day and age if you have a business you need a website, plain and simple. Many people today rely on their mobile devices to find businesses close to where they are at the moment. If they’re in a part of town they’re not familiar with they Google for the nearest whatever random business they may be looking for and if your competitors have websites, they get the business and not you. With a website, you greatly increase the chances of these random sales. There’s a lot of people today who won’t shop at the nation wide chain stores, and without a website they won’t be shopping at yours.
Orion Codeworks can make a custom website for your needs or you can use one of 45 different web applications available when you get the basic hosting package through OC-Domains. And with the performance of the servers at OC-Domains, your site will load as quickly as possible with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Our friendly, professional technical support is available 24/7 to assist you when you need it.
Not only are the servers fast and reliable, they are also secure with some of the highest security features available today. With private domain registry and SSL certificates you can be sure your information is safe as is the customer who purchases goods from your site.